Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 2: Clean-up

Cleaning up the years of misery attached to something so precious can be a daunting task. For example here is a picture of the air filter after preparing it for cleaning. There isn't much left. The screens will be salvaged, new foam purchased and a new filter fabricated to the specs of the original. The next picture is of the parts that have been cleaned so far. The metal screens are what is left of the air filter. The fender and some carburetor parts not small enough to get lost in the dishwasher. Yes folks, man's best friend; the dishwasher. You wouldn't believe what you can run through there. Just try to avoid the really greasy items.

Day 1: Reception and History

...And this is how it begins. A Montesa Cota 123 (so far dated at between 1965-1971, this will get pinned down later) last seen by myself when I was in high school and the frame had just been painted. The things 25 years under a tree will do to a freshly painted frame. The cylinder was bored out and sleeved to the original specs and the only thing the "package" is missing are the rings and the kick starter.