Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 20: Ingniting Perfection

Turning on the gas, watching it drip into the clear line, like blood that keeps precious life from slipping away. Cycling the kick start to get the piston at top dead center. Maybe even using the tickler to coax her a little! Checking for neutral, winding up and giving her what for! When you are constantly met with nothing for all your efforts and you have a good, solid spark; there is only one thing left. Yes, I am talking about the points. I have now split the case on the other side from the kick start and will be digging in to the points. Fortunately the manual has good testing procedures for checking and timing them. The only problem is the mystery tool used to hold the reverse threaded balance flywheel is just that, a mystery. It feels like the nut was put on with more than the reccommended 72 ft/lbs of torque as well. A little T&E (minus the E) will follow. I will let you all know how it goes, wish me luck!